Friday, January 7, 2011

The three things that Interest me

1) The Department of Corrections failure to make sure predators are actually ready to go out into civilization.
This is a major issue that I see that effects all citizens in the St. Louis area. With the failure to keep tract of a repeat offender, the Department of Corrections needs a drastic change in how they deal with predators.

2) The Public Transportation in St. Louis and how it need to be drastically improved.
The public transportation in St. Louis is fairly sporadic, and does not do much to help the city and other suburban areas at all. Producing a more effective and a bigger metro system would help unite the City with the Suburbs.

3) The Copper thefts in St. Louis

These are occurring a lot recently, and more and more deaths related to copper theft is being reported. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Research Question

1) Why should China's extreme censorship over events outside of China concern others in the international community? How does China's censorship effect individuals in other countries around the world?
2) In order to successfully answer this question, I would need to research the status quo in China, to trully understand what the normal person in China knows is compared to the average American. I also need to research how far this censorship goes and what people can and can not see.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Thoughts on Group Seminar Sept 20

What I thought was interesting was the fact that one thing, the chicotte, could be such a powerful tool in Africa, and how it symbolized that power that the Europeans had in Africa.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

King Leo Reading pg 1-32

My first reaction to the reading was the shock and surprise of the amount of deaths that were estimated to have happened in the Congo that had a connection with the countries of Europe trying to enslave them. 8 to 10 million people estimated dead is something that I can not even imagine in my head. I also thought how the narrator brought up how these deaths could be compared to the holocaust was interesting, as I had thought of the same thing before I had read it. During the introduction, when the narrator discovers the horrors that his country is committing by conducting slave trade and only taking from the African countries, he mentions how the only thing that Europe is sending to Africa is guns, ammunition, and soldiers, it one question.
What where the other Europeans that had noticed the large trafficking of slaves doing to oppose slavery?
And my other question is, Why did Europe go to Africa for this reason?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What we learned in class today 8/2

1) I learned a lot today about the origins of Pakistan and Afganistan, and how both were colonized by the British at one point or the other. I learned more about how the insurgents in both countries are tightly related as they are both in the same general area.

2) Something I was curious about was more of the specific details of how Pakistan became its own independent country.

Friday, August 27, 2010

History Free Write: Things We Remember

The things that my parents remembered:
  • September 11
  • Oj White Bronco Chase
  • John Lennon shot and killed
  • Challenger Shuttle Explosion
  • Reagan shot
  • Oklahoma City Bombing
The three things that I remember:
  • September 11
  • Obama Inaugural Speech
  • United States go to war on "terror"
The one thing that I remembered from the media was the September 11 attacks that occurred in New York, Washington D.C., and in Pennsylvania. This is the moment I remember the most, because even though I was at such a young age, I still had the comprehension that our nation was under attack. The nation that I had always thought as safe and where there was no such thing as terrorism or attacks on other people was under attack. I was truly scared, as I did not know what was safe anymore. I remember my mom running into the kitchen while I was getting ready for the school day. She ran in and turned the television straight to Fox news, as the image of smoke billowing out of the North Tower. I remember how the fear inside me grew, and the need to look away grew, but I never managed to, even as a second plane crashed into the south tower. I remember my mom being very afraid, and calling my dad who was at a job in Kansas City at the time of the attacks for business. I remember watching as the South Tower collapsed onto the Streets of Manhattan, and watching as the news corporations replayed the video footage and predicted when the North Tower would also fall. I truly remember this day as my mom took me down to the church we went to, as we prayed for the victims and their families, and taking communion with the pastor of our church. I remember breaking into tears as she was afraid of what could happen to my dad, considering that planes were grounded and he had flown to Kansas City. I remember myself being afraid for my dad, my fear mainly being fueled by my moms fear, but also because I was worried that the terrorists would attack my dad. Of course, thinking back upon it today, I realize that those fears were a bit exaggerated because of the circumstances, but this is the single thing that stands out above all my memories of the stories in the media.